Oceans 8 – 4 Face 4 – Don Veino 20161204

Type: 4 Facing 4
Status: DRAFT
Tune suggestion: Thomas Shrug’s March

This is one of several of my dances in a series of “Oceans” and “Seasons” compositions which bring Ocean or Sea Waves into a 4 Facing 4 dance. It embeds a same role Hey in the center of the dance while the other role does a classic square dance (NOT Box) Circulate (called “Orbit” here for contra dancers).

I’ve NOT called or walked through this dance with dancers yet. Should you give it a go, please let me know.

Give & Take (Up/Down), Lady take Neighbor Gent back and Swing

(4,4) Pass the Ocean (Up/Down), Wave Balance Fwd/Back
[NOTE all Gents are on outside oval facing clockwise, Ladies are inside facing CCW]
(8) Simultaneously:
     Ladies in center (across) Half Hey (Ladies facing center start passing Right)
     Gents Circulate 2 Places (wrap around ends) [I TEACH/CALL THIS AS AN ORBIT 1/2 to stay with more typical contra language for dancers]
[Form similar Ocean Waves aligned up/down with Right Hand to same G&T Neighbor]

Rory Wave Balance Right (toward N) & Left, Twirl/Slide Right
Rory Wave Balance, Twirl/Slide Left (Ladies Super Twirl to P)

Partner Balance & Swing (end facing progression)

So why not the following A2? Because the Ladies will arrive ~2 beats early at their spot and possibly overshoot it. This dance is not going to be called with a beginner crowd and, if the dancers can’t handle a Hey, you probably shouldn’t be calling this one.

(4,4) Pass the Ocean (Up/Down), Wave Balance Fwd/Back
[NOTE all Gents are on outside oval facing clockwise, Ladies are inside facing CCW]
(8) All Circulate 2 Places (wrap around ends)
[Form similar Ocean Waves aligned up/down with Right Hand to same G&T Neighbor]

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