Traditions With Benefits [V3] – 4 Face 4 – Don Veino 20151004

Type: 4 Facing 4
Status: Proven but REVISED since

My experiment with adopting the signature move of Dan Pearl’s contra Beneficial Tradition (flowing from Cor Hogendijk’s English dance Pat’s Tradition) into a 4 Face 4 format. Note this dance never changes to “square” formation, staying in lines/4 throughout. The dance incorporates two hands-free star right sequences, which I dub here a “Roundabout” (the name suggested by my wife, Sage).

Most likely to be considered an “advanced” dance. 🙂

(8) GENTS ROUNDABOUT 3/4 (Star Right 3/4 w/no hands, eye contact with diagonal Gent – leisurely timing)
(8) NEIGHBOR SWING (in Lady’s spot, END facing up/down to maintain 4-Face-4 formation)

(8) LADIES ROUNDABOUT 3/4 (Star Right 3/4 w/no hands, eye contact with diagonal Lady – leisurely timing)
[Gents face to their right along short line (across hall), wait for Partner]
(4,4) PARTNER Two Hand BALANCE, INSIDE hand TWIRL TO SWAP* (along short lines), FACE UP/DOWN
[Partners should drop hands as soon as they complete the Twirl to Swap so Ladies have free right hand for B1]

(4,4) OPPOSITE Role pull by RIGHT STRAIGHT UP/DOWN, SAME Role pull by LEFT on slight left DIAGONAL
[If no one on left, do nothing]
(4,4) OPPOSITE Role pull by RIGHT STRAIGHT UP/DOWN, SAME Role pull by LEFT on slight left DIAGONAL
[If no one on left, do nothing. Every other cycle of the dance, this opposite role person will be your Partner.]

(4,12) PARTNER BALANCE & SWING (end facing direction of progression)

*A2 Twirl to Swap is effectively a reversed Star Through.

In B1, it can be very helpful to have the dancers momentarily maintain the hand connection from the former pull by as they then reach with the other hand for the next dancer.

Tune selection will probably be different than those used for Beneficial Tradition, as the “zipper” changes happen in a different part of the dance.

In my original draft V1 the A1 and B2 used Gents and Ladies Star Right 3/4, respectively, both revised to “Roundabouts.” Roundabout revisions not yet called publicly.

Revision history: Original V1 composed (dictated) while I was driving to & then tested at a calling party 20151004. V2 20160128 (Gents Roundabout) and V3 20170303 (both Roundabout).

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