Spring Fling – Becket – Don Veino 20170404

Type: Contra, Becket Left/CW
Status: Proven

A relatively simple/straightforward composition containing two uncommon points: a Mad Robin figure (easy, once taught – and which I feel flows wonderfully into a chain) and a Courtesy Fling*. Dancers often rush a Mad Robin which should work works well in this dance (I hope!) to provide a little bit of extra time for the Courtesy Fling. Significant Partner focus and Shadow anchor point in the wave should help make this suitable for a less than experienced crowd.

Composed while I was thinking about dances to call for the crowded Festival Orchestra session (in the HS Gym right after the Saturday Medley) at the 2017 New England Folk Festival. Melanie Axel-Lute called this during our shared session.

Slide Left, Ladies Pass Right shoulders to cross
Neighbor Swing
On left diagonal, Circle Left 3/4x
Neighbor Swing

(~6) Mad Robin (CCW/Ladies through the center Rt->Lt to start)
(~10) Ladies Chain (to P) with Courtesy Fling* (ending in long waves, Ladies facing out & Gents in)
[LH with P and RH with Shadow in wave]

Rory O’Moore Wave Balance Right & Left, Slide/Twirl Right
Rory O’Moore Wave Balance Left & Right, Slide/Twirl Left

Partner Balance & Swing

End Effects: When in the last place still in the dance, you’ll do the wave balance sequence with ghosts if nobody is out. When waiting out, do the waves with whomever comes at you and then wait on the left diagonal for the circle start.

*The Courtesy Fling is a conventional Courtesy Turn with the motion for the Ladies extended in an arc around the still connected left hands to end facing the opposite of the Gents. In this dance it results in a long wave.

Video: 2017 New England Folk Festival – Melanie Axel-Lute calling, with music by the Festival Orchestra.

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2 Responses to Spring Fling – Becket – Don Veino 20170404

  1. Don says:

    Melanie Axel-Lute called this during our shared Festival Orchestra session at the 2017 New England Folk Festival with the revised A1 and it went very well. I’ll add a video here shortly and the main post will be revised to feature the revised dance. [done]

  2. Don says:

    I continue to receive positive comments on this one from dancers and have had a chance to dance it myself a couple of times now. While no less awkward than the very routinely used Swing to Ladies Chain sequence, I’m not blissfully satisfied with the A1->A2 Swing to Mad Robin transition and wish it would be just a little bit smoother there. That sequence feels better for dancers who twirl out of the Swing but I plan to come back and see about revising this dance to polish it some more. Dancers have told me they like it as is – and it works with basic crowds – but I think it can be better.

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