pyRenamer Rules!

Just a quick shout out to the creator of pyRenamer — a supremely useful renaming tool written in Python, which installs with a quick sudo apt-get install pyrenamer on Ubuntu Linux (but is also available for OS X & Windows).

I love your tool.

I do a lot of computer work that involves managing files. For example, financial statements or other “store it away” sorts of files you download from a company. For some reason, the default file name of these downloads is almost always something either unusable (every file named the same!) or silly (“statement 27 July 11.pdf” – why does nobody responsible for these things name them a much more logical pattern like “statement_2011-07-11.pdf”? Well, almost nobody – Discover Card actually does – thanks, random IT person!). As a result, I’m always having to rename stuff I’m going to save, so I can see my statements in order when I look in the directory.

With pyRenamer, I have a simple yet powerful GUI tool to get this done on large numbers of files at one time. I can do it based on patterns in the file name, so I can bulk rename all those statement files for last year to be sortable in no time. It will even rename image or music files based on their tags data! It works very quickly and lets you preview what you’re about to do, before you cause any harm to your prior stuff. This is one of my go-to applications for getting stuff done.

Put simply, nice work!

BTW, if you use pyRenamer, you may not know that it will support other regexp qualifiers in the “Patterns” tab other than what appears in the tooltips! For instance, you can enter ^{#}.pdf as a pattern to work with just the pdf files that start with a number. Omitting the carat (^) is default and will get any pdf file that contains a number, which may be what you want, or not…

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3 Responses to pyRenamer Rules!

  1. carolgee says:

    “Krojamsoft BatchRename” Tool is a powerful tool, that allows you to quickly rename all the files in a specified directory. You can remove spaces, replace spaces with underscore, uppercase/lowercase filename, add a prefix/suffix, remove/replace strings and also catalog files by adding an incremental number to the file name.

  2. Sloboda says:

    pyRenamer Rules!
    But can it stack (renaming) rules? Execute bunch of rules in one go?
    I doubt it.

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