Have you received an Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE) message (aka: "SPAM") that purports to be from some address at veino.com?
We'd never do that to you, really! Some nefarious character is faking that sender information to make it look like it is coming from us - but it isn't, rest assured.
We have secured our mail server very tightly, and run independent tests periodically to make sure it stays secured. Should you look at that offending email's "full headers" you will see it is really being sent from somewhere else with our address just "stuck on". Most likely it is being relayed by someone's infected "zombie" home PC, that's left on 24/7 and connected directly to the internet.
We hate these guys as much as you do. Sadly, some technology vendors have made their job all too easy to take over a machine and send this stuff - but we can hope Windows 7 will start to close these holes and earlier versions die off. Until then, all we can do is secure our own machines, recognize we're all in the same position as regards receiving this junk and report as much of it as we can.
Good luck!
PS: Consider doing your own part and using an alternative operating system which embraces security by default. We recommend the LinuxMint version of linux as an effective (and totally free!) option, with a good firewall-equipped router to stand guard in front of it.